Luis bought a Ferrari Testa Rossa and took his girlfriend, Adela, to spend the day with some friends. They went straight to the National Park called "Lions' Desert"**, located in the ourskirts of Mexico City, where Sophie and her boyfriend Adrian were waiting for them. They left their car in the parking lot of the Monastery that was built in the park and they all rode away on the four bikes that Adrian had brought from his store.
Iban muy contentos subiendo por una vereda cuando de pronto vieron a un venado, no podían dar crédito a sus ojos, no era posible semejante belleza. Seguro se le había escapado a alguien. Se detuvieron a mirarlo y el venado de tono café claro, se les quedó viendo con unos ojos enormes y tiernos. Adrián hizo un movimiento para sacar su celular y tomarle una foto y eso espantó al venado.
Decepcionados porque no podrían demostrarles a sus amigos que efectivamente lo habían visto. Siguieron rodando por increíbles veredas boscosas, esperando ver aparecer al venado en cualquier momento.
Cuando terminaron de rodar, estaban muertos de hambre y regresaron al estacionamiento para ir a tomar una sopa de hongos y tacos de huitlacoche a la Marquesa. Al llegar, al restaurant en donde iban a almorzar, estacionaron sus autos y entonces, vieron con tristeza que un zopenco tenía el cadáver del venado encima de su pick-up. De inmediato, se detuvo una patrulla y el patrullero le pidió al sujeto su licencia y su permiso para cazar animales.
When they finished riding their bikes, they were starving, so they got back to the parking lot where they had left their cars. Their plan was to eat mushroom soup and "tacos" of "huitlacoche" (fungii grown on maize grains). When they arrived at the restaurant's premises, they saw the deer again, but this time it was sad to see it because it was dead: Some idiot had killed the beautiful creature and put it on the back of his pick-up. A few seconds later, a patrol passing by pulled over and a police-man got out of the car and asked the hunter to show his hunting permit and his license.
Adela estaba furiosa porque sabía que el asesino del venado iba a darle una "mordida" al policía y el crimen iba a quedar impune. Para evitar que ella fuera a meterse en un lío, Luis le pidió a Adela que no se metiera y que ya entraran al restaurant. Unos minutos más tarde, cuando ya habían ordenado su almuerzo, entró el delincuente riéndose a carcajada suelta, diciéndole a su amigo, un tipo con cara de idiota igual que él: No, güey, yo creí que me iba a salir más caro el chiste.
Adela was furious because she knew the murderer was going to bribe the policeman and the crime was going to be left unpunished. In order to prevent Adela from getting into any trouble, Louis asked her to calm down and go into the restaurant. A few minutes later, when they had already ordered their lunch, the guy who had killed the deer came inside the restaurant, laughing quite loudly, telling a friend of his -a stupid-looking fellow as well: "Dude, I truly thought I was going to pay a lot more to bribe the officer.
Entonces, Adela, regiomontana franca, se levantó antes de que Luis pudiera evitarlo y se enfrentó al tipo que le sacaba como treinta centímetros por arriba del uno setenta que medía ella, y le dijo, "Oye güerco, ¿crees que haber matado al animal fue un chiste? La risa se le congeló en los labios al cínico y cuando le iba a responder con una majadería, se le quedó viendo fijamente, ella no entendió por qué no decía nada. Luis se puso de pie porque pensó que iban a abofetear a su novia. Cuando se oyó la voz de ella, ¡hijo de tu madre y del feo de mi tío! ¡¿Cómo rayos se te ocurrió matar al venado, estaba precioso?! En seguida se escuchó la respuesta:"¡Perdónme prima, no fue mi culpa, se me atravesó en el camino y no pude evitar atropellarlo, le rompí una pata y lo sacrificamos, estaba sufriendo mucho.
Then, Adela, a rather outspoken gal from up north, rose from her seat before Louis could stop her and she confronted the hunter who was about thirty centimeters higher than her. She told him, "listen
you irresponsible dude, do you think killing that animal was a joke? The tall fellow's laughter came to a sudden stop and when he was about to insult her, he took a second look at her, she didn't understand why he said nothing. Louis stood up and approached her because he thought the hunter was going to slap her on the face, when he listened to her: "You... you? Son of... an ugly man that happens to be my uncle and my sweet auntie. Why, for heaven's sake did you kill that beauty, it was gorgeous! Next, the man was heard saying: "I'm sorry coz, it was not my fault, the deer came flashing by across the road and I could not avoid hitting him with the car, I broke one of his legs, he was so much in pain that killing him was the only thing I could do to spare him from suffering any further."
Al escuchar lo anterior, Luis, suspiró aliviado. Ya se imaginaba en el piso, por el golpe que le iba a dar el que suponía un patán inmisericorde, al reclamarle las majaderías que Luis se esperaba que aquél le dijera a su novia.
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