Entonces, abrió apenas la puerta y escuchó... Dos meses atrás, Luis conoció a Sofía, era una chaparrita preciosa, cuerpo de tentación, carita de ángel y ojos azules, en un tono más bien oscuro. Se conocieron en la universidad, él estaba pagando su examen de grado y ella acababa de hacerlo. Él sintió su mirada y volteó a verla, de inmediato su piel se puso chinita y ella sintió lo mismo. Ambos trataron de decir algo pero sus palabras se tropezaron una tras otra sin que pudieran hilar oración alguna; así que terminaron riéndose de ellos mismos.
He barely opened the door then he heard... Two months before, Louis met Sophia, she was a beautiful little woman, her body was pure temptation, she had an angel's face and dark blue eyes. He met her at the university, he was paying the exam's fee to become a PhD and she had just done it. He felt he was being observed and turned around, his eyes and hers met and that gave them goose pimples immediately. Both tried to say something but their words cascaded into plain nonsense, so they both ended up laughing up their sleeves.
Luis recobró la compostura y le dijo: "No te conozco, sin embargo, después de este ridículo mutuo, me dirás al menos tu nombre". Ella le dijo: "¡Claro! Me llamo Sofía! Y ¿Tú?" Luis: "muy fácil de recordar, Luis". Sofía: "te invito un café para que me cuentes de ti y yo de mí, salvo que volvamos a tener un ataque de dislalia y no podamos decir sino incoherencias". Luis se armó de valor y la tomó de la mano y la llevó a la cafetería de la escuela, ella no ofreció resistencia, era como si en otra vida se hubiesen conocido.
Luis put himself together and said: "Dear lady, I know you not but after this mutually ridiculous situation you will not deny me at least your name". She said: "Of course not! I am Sophia and you? He said: "You won't forget it, I am Louis". Sophia then said: "Follow me, Louis! Let's have a cup of coffee, so you can tell me all about you and so I shall unless dyslalia attacks again. Louis felt as if he had met her in a previous life, so he didn't think it twice, he grabbed her hand and followed her. She did not resist his move, so they went to the school's cafeteria.
Llegaron a la cafetería y platicaron horas y horas, ambos deleitándose con la conversación, saboreando su encuentro y muchos cafés (capuccino vainilla). Su plática continuó en el departamento de Luis, en donde estuvieron escuchando música brasileña toda la noche, con especial gusto a la cantante Marisa Monte cuya voz era una caricia para sus oídos. Al día siguiente, ella presentó a Luis con sus hermanos y sus padres, a quienes Luis les cayó muy bien porque era un tipo simpático y un agradable conversador cuyos temas de plática eran tan variados que deleitaba a cualquier oyente.
So, they sat in a corner of the school’s cafeteria and talked for hours, both enjoying their conversation, savoring the joy of having met and their vanilla capuccinos. Their conversation continued in his appartment, listening Brazilian music all night, especially a singer called Marisa Monte whose voice was like silk to their ears. Next day, Sophia introduced Louis to her brothers and parents who liked him very much because he was a conversation master, he could talk endlessly about any subject, so everybody enjoyed his company.
A month later, they organized their wedding and they got married on Ash Wednesday, a few days later. Their honeymoon trip to Paris was extraordinary because she was a History Major and was almost a PhD, pending a final exam. The opportunity to visit The Louvre Museum was like a dream that had been an impossible project until then. Their happiness was skyrocketing.
Cuando regresaron a México, ambos presentaron sus exámenes de grado y reunieron a sus mutuos amigos para celebrar el acontecimiento: Luis fue aprobado como Doctor en Letras con mención honorífica, lo mismo que ella, sólo que en la especialidad de Historia del Arte. Una vez más la sonrisa de Luis y Sofía revelaban la inmensa felicidad que ambos sentían.
When they came back to Mexico, they both took their final exams to obtain their PhD's, so they gathered a few friends to celebrate it after they succeeded with flying colors: He was now a PhD in Literature and she became a PhD in Art History. Their smiles revealed how immensely happy they were.
Exactly two months after they first met, Sophia thought they might go to have supper at a nice restaurant; yet, she said nothing to do it as a surprise. Louis stayed at work longer than he expected, grading his Tec students' papers. When he got home, about 10 O'clock at night, he parked his car and looked up to see his appartment's windows, there were no lights on, that was weird he thought, he had just called his wife a while ago.
Al abrir la puerta de su departamento y no ver luces ni en el comedor, la sala o la cocina, pensó en que su esposa estaría dormida. Sin embargo, escuchó ruidos que venían de su recámara y se complació a sí mismo pensando que Sofía estaría soñando con él, así que para no despertarla se acercó a la puerta sin hacer ruido, entonces abrió apenas la puerta y escuchó los gemidos de Sofía haciendo el amor.
When he opened the door of his appartment, curtains had been drawn, it was pitch dark, so he thought his wife might have gone to sleep. And yet, he listened to some noises coming out of his bedroom and flattered himself thinking, she must be dreaming about him. So, to avoid waking her up, tiptoed to the bedroom's door and barely opened it when he heard his wife moaning as if she was making sex with somebody else.
Toda la ilusión del recién casado cuyo corazón latía sólo por su mujer, se vino abajo como una botella de cristal, estallando en mil pedazos. No quiso enfrentar a Sofía, así que se fue del departamento a toda prisa, aunque escuchó a lo lejos los gritos de ella que decía: "¡Luis, regresa, ¿qué te pasa?! ¡Luis, regresa, Luis, Luis!!! Pero, él no quiso escuchar explicación alguna, era evidente que le habían puesto el cuerno. Entonces, se fue corriendo hacia el puente del Periférico que está justo antes de la Fuente de Petróleos, en donde había besado a Sofía hacía sólo dos noches.
All the illusion of being a newly wed totally in love, came crashing down in pieces. He did not want to hear or watch any further. He rushed away and as he left his appartment, he heard Sophia's voice screaming at him: "Louis, what's wrong? Come back, Louis, talk to me! Louis!!! Louis!! But he wanted to hear no more, he had heard plenty to know she had cheated on him. So, he went away running till he was on top of a bridge, a block from a fountain dedicated to oil workers, over the same bridge where he had kissed her passionately only two weeks back.
La desesperación le impidió pensar con claridad y de pronto escuchó a lo lejos la voz de Sofía que le gritaba: "¡¡¡Luis, ¿qué haces?!! Él volteó a verla y antes de que ella pudiera evitarlo, él se lanzó del puente y al caer, un trailer no pudo esquivarlo así que lanzó su cuerpo muchos metros adelante como si fuera un muñeco de trapo. El hermoso rostro de Sofía se trastornó en una mueca de terror e incredulidad ante lo que ocurría.
Si tan sólo Luis hubiese abierto la puerta de su recámara de par en par, se habría dado cuenta de que ella estaba viendo el video que ambos habían filmado de sí mismos haciendo el amor en París...
He was so desperate he could not think clearly. Suddenly, he heard Sophia's voice, still far from him, yelling: "Louis, what are you doing there? He turned to see her coming towards him. So, before she could do anything to prevent it he threw himself down the bridge, he fell right in front of a trailer who could not stop in time, the large vehicle hit him away as if he was a weightless puppet. Sophia's beautiful face was transformed by the terror and disbelief of what had just happened.
If only Louis had got the door opened wide, he would have seen Sophia's watching the video they had recorded in Paris of them both making love...
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