John was the sole object of affection of her mother. Everybody could plainly see that she always went out of her way to take care of him. There was not a detail in his clothes or the way he combed his hair that escaped her attention to make it right. Not only did she choose his clothes but she also decided what he should put on. People often thought that she was rather possessive. However, it was understandable because of how intensely she loved him. When John grew into an extremely handsome teen-ager, he was so remarkably good-looking as to make him look of a totally different breed from his fellow-students.
So, there was always some jerk teasing him about his looks. Actually, what explained that problem was that all the young girls wanted to go out with John, so they showed no interest in any other school-mate. Thus, John was the target of his envious fellow-students.
La madre de John, Elizabeth, era asimismo, una persona de una belleza extraordinaria, tanto que con frecuencia era asediada por fotógrafos o pintores que deseaban plasmar su extraordinaria fisonomía en un papel fotográfico o en un lienzo. No obstante, cuando conocían a John, se olvidaban de ella y se enfocaban en él. Lejos de molestarle eso, la halagaba el hecho de que los demás admiraran a su hijo tanto como ella.
John's mother, Elizabeth, was also an outstandingly beautiful person, so much so that frequently she was overwhelmed by photographers and painters as well that wished to make a portrait of her. And yet, when they laid eyes on him, they forgot all about her. Far from getting angry, she got prouder and prouder of her son.
Por las noches, ella entraba en el cuarto de John, para darle las buenas noches y besarle la mejilla. Y sucedió que una de tantas veces que lo fue a ver, Elizabeth se acercó a la cama de John con la intención de darle un beso, sin embargo, se dio cuenta que él estaba desnudo, con la vista fue recorriendo poco a poco su cuerpo atlético, su piel se fue excitando cada vez más; entonces, se dio cuenta de que su hijo tenía una erección, sin pensar en lo que estaba haciendo, seducida por aquella perfección física, ella se quitó la bata translúcida que ocultaba apenas sus maravillosa anatomía. En seguida, ella se subió a su cama, se acomodó perfectamente en posición y aprovechó que él estaba soñando para violarlo. John, no abrió los ojos porque no quiso despertar de lo que él pensó que era un sueño increíblemente vívido y que evidentemente estaba disfrutando muchísimo.
At night, Elizabeth, got into John's bedroom to wish him good-night and kiss him on his cheek. On one of those occasions, she entered his room and saw him completely naked, her eyes could not help enjoy watching such a perfect body. Without realizing what she was doing she took off the silk robe that barely covered her extremely attractive anatomy. She deduced that he was sleeping soundly and she observed that he had an erection, so she immediately put herself on top of him and raped him over and over. He did not open his eyes because he did not want to wake up from what he thought it was a delicious and incredibly vivid wet dream.
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