Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Envidia 3 / Envy 3

Cristina tenía una amiga, Cecilia, a quien ella quería mucho porque desde niña, la familia de su amiga la llevaba de vacaciones donde quiera que fuesen, México, Europa, Asia. Además, todas las Navidades Cristina recibía juguetes maravillosos de parte de los parientes de su amiga.
           Cecilia era una joven rubia de una belleza espectacular, tanto por el azul profundo de sus ojos como por sus finas facciones y cuerpo sinuoso como de modelo de altos vuelos; en cambio, Cristina era más bien fea y un tanto cuanto desagradable. Sin embargo, tenía facilidad de palabra y convencía a muchos de hacer lo que ella quería que hiciesen.
           Durante sus estudios universitarios, Cecilia empezó a distanciarse porque la ropa que usaba Cristina era demasiado modesta y eso le incomodaba a Cecilia, frente a sus demás amistades. En alguna ocasión Cecilia intentó regalarle ropa a su amiga, pero ella la rechazó. La última vez que se vieron, Cristina la acusó de burguesa explotadora del proletariado y le dijo a la servidumbre de su amiga que ya no debían dejarse explotar por la familia de su amiga, que renunciaran a sus empleos. Eso fue la gota que derramó el agua del vaso de su amistad. Cecilia le dijo: "Eres una malcriada, malagradecida y tus ideas sobre el proletariado te ciegan al punto de traicionar a tu mejor amiga". Cristina le respondió: "Tú no mereces mi amistad porque perteneces al mundo de los  explotadores de la gente más vulnerable; algún día te arrepentirás de haberme insultado; ya verás que algún día yo seré quien gobierne este país y todas las tierras y posesiones de tu familia serán mías o de mis amigos." Entonces, Cecilia ya no se dirigió a ella sino a su mayordomo y le pidió que acompañara a Cristina hasta la puerta y que jamás le permitiera la entrada a su casa.
               ¿Quién iba a pensar que Cristina conocería a un chico en la universidad que llevaría a Cristina al círculo del poder político y que le permitiría a ésta cumplir la amenaza de arrebatar no sólo las tierras y posesiones de la familia de su amiga sino hacer lo mismo con muchísimas familias, por la profunda envidia que se había enquistado en el corazón de la modesta hija de un chofer de autobuses.
               Sin embargo, esa situación no podía ser eterna. Después de muchos años en que Cristina gobernó déspota e ineficientemente, llevando a su país a la ruina, una turba enardecida la asesinó luego de que el Senado la había depuesto. Sin duda, "...los molinos de Dios muelen lentamente, aunque lo hacen extremadamente bien".
                 Cristina had a friend, Cecilia, whom she cared for very much because ever since she was a child, she was taken on every vacation by her friend  to many different places in Mexico, Europe and Asia. In addition, every Christmas she received wonderful toys, courtesy of her friend's family.
             Cecilia was a a spectacular beauty, she was blonde, her blue eyes were kind of dark, she was classy and her body was sinuous as a top model. Whereas, Cristina was rather unattractive and had a disagreeable temper. Yet, she was a fast talker and could convince quite a few of doing what she wanted.
             When they both went to college, Cecilia saw Cristina fewer times than before because she felt a bit embarrassed in front of other friends on account of the clothes her friend wore. Cecilia tried to give her designer's clothes but  she was too proud to accept that.      Last time they met, Cristina accused Cecilia of being just another petite bourgeois that took advantage of the poor people she hired as servants; then, she told every employee in Cecilia's house that they should all quit their jobs because they were not being paid what they should. That was the breaking point in their friendship. Cecilia told her friend: "You are a spoiled and ungrateful friend and your ideas about poor people make you blind to the point of betraying your best friend". Cristina got really mad and told her: "You do not deserve my friendship because you belong to the kind of people who make poor people miserable. One day you'll regret what you just said to me. I will become a powerful politician and I will take all your lands and properties away from your family". Then, Cecilia did not talk to her anymore, she addressed the Butler and told him to see her exfriend to the door and never again allow her into her house again.
                   Who would have thought that Cristina was to meet a young fellow in college who would take Cristina to a government position that would enable her to dispossess her friend's family of everything and that she would do the same with many other families?; and all this because of how deeply in her heart  she had grown envious of what her friend had as she could not have half of that  being  the daughter of a man who drove buses for a living.
                    However, Cristina could not do her will forever, so after quite a few years of ruling only for her benefit and ruining her country she  was ousted from power  and later on  murdered by a raging mob. Indeed, as the holy writ says: "The mills of God grind slowly, but the grind exceedingly well".

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