Jacinta was immensely happy because she had been offered a job in Culiacán, Sinaloa, México, in one of the McDonald's restaurants, after being unemployed for six months. She decided to take her son with her, even if that meant getting a second job to earn enough money to survive. She started working as happy as a morning bird because she had been given a uniform, she thought it was going to be for free until she received her first paycheck where she saw, the cost of the uniform was going to be deducted from her salary. The first few days were not easy as she and her son ate only twice a day.
Un par de semanas después, Jacinta obtuvo un segundo empleo como empleada doméstica. Ella era una hermosa joven de tez morena, cabello lacio y grueso de color negro, ojos verdes, labios carnosos y cuerpo de tentación. Por las mañanas trabajaba en el restaurant de comida rápida (ella era tan ingenua que pensaba que le llamaban así porque veía cómo sus clientes regulares engordaban rápidamente); y en las tardes, en la casa de una anciana norteamericana. Cuando llegaba a su casa estaba rendida pero su rostro se iluminaba como un sol cuando veía la sonrisa alegre de Joselito, su hijo de tres años -de tez blanca, ojos azules y mejillas rosadas- quien, al verla llegar, corría a abrazarla, saludándola con un: "¡Mamita, ya llegaste" que la derretía. Luego, el niño se despedía con un beso a la vecina que lo cuidaba todo el día y se iba saltando de alegría al lado de su mamá, rumbo al cuarto de azotea que ella había rentado.
A couple of weeks afterwards, Jacinta got another job as a servant. She was a beautiful young woman, dark-skinned; black, thick and straight hair, green-eyes, fleshy lips and a very tempting body. She worked mornings in the fast-food restaurant -she was so naive that she thought the place was called fast-food because her regulars grew fat so fast after eating trash-food. In her afternoon job, she cleaned the house of an old American lady. By the time she reached home, she was exhausted; yet, her face lit up when she saw her three-year-old child, Joselito -white-skinned, blue- eyed and rosy cheeks- smiling as he laid eyes on her, often saying: "Mummy!!! You are here already!!!". She just melted. Then, the little one would kiss the neighbor who took care of him all day, and away he would go leaping for joy to the small room she had rented on the roof terrace.
Antes de irse, Jacinta le dijo a su vecina Doña Sofía, una profesora española jubilada de 68 años y mirada amable de color azul, "Doña Sofía, ¡cómo voy a pagarle esto que hace por nosotros!" y su vecina le contestó: "No te preocupes, hija, yo soy la que estoy en deuda contigo porque Joselito alegra mi día con sus gracias, tu hijo es un cascabelito que llena el silencio que dejó en mi casa, mi difunto esposo Juan. Sin Joselito, el silencio en mi casa me mataría."
But, before going away, Jacinta told her neighbor Doña Sofía, a 68 years-old retired Spanish professor with a gente blue-eyed look, "Doña Sofía, I don't know how am I going to pay you for your help". The answer was immediate: "Sweetie, I don't know how will I pay you, Joselito fills my day with joy doing and saying funny things all day, he is like a little bell that sweetens my loss, as you know, my dear John died last year, leaving me in silence all day.
Jacinta abrazó a la anciana y se despidió de ella. A la mañana siguiente, se fue a trabajar como todos los días; desafortunadamente, al pasar por un callejón, le salieron al paso tres malencarados pelafustanes drogadictos que le dijeron: "¿A dónde,chula? Y, ¡¿por qué tan solita, si estás retebuena, mamacita?!". Ella intentó escaparse corriendo, pero ellos se lo impidieron, la arrastraron de los cabellos hacia el callejón y empezaron a desgarrarle la ropa hasta dejarla desnuda, entonces uno a uno fue penetrándola con violencia al tiempo que los otros lamían su cuerpo como perros en celo. Una patrulla se detuvo frente al callejón y dos patrulleros se bajaron del vehículo a toda prisa, para rescatar a Jacinta, a tiempo quizás para salvarle la vida, demasiado tarde para impedir el ultraje. Jacinta no volvería a ser la misma: Su mirada temerosa y su terror ante el más mínimo contacto masculino, jamás desaparecerían.
Jacinta hugged the old lady good-bye. Next morning, she went to work as usual. Unfortunately, when she walked by a dead-end street, three thugs, probably drug-addicts with ugly faces, stopped her saying: Where to, honey? And why so lonely with such teats, mummy? She tried to escape running away but they were faster, they catched up with her and dragged her to alley where they torn her dress till she was naked, then they penetrated her violently, each at a time while the other two licked her body as dogs in heat. A police car stopped by the alley and two cops came rushing out of it to save Jacinta from being killed, though not from being raped. She would never be the same: Her fearful face and terror before the slightest move of a male near her, would never go away.
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