Ibas camino a Puebla cuando al llegar a Río Frío, un auto adelante de ti perdió el control de su vehículo y empezó a girar, metiste el freno a fondo para no estrellarte, tu auto empezó a derrapar, el auto de enfrente ya se había detenido y viste la cara de terror del conductor que se dio cuenta que ibas directamente hacia él, entonces tu auto se impactó contra la puerta del conductor, fue un ruido pavoroso de metales y luego, cristales estallando en mil pedazos. El auto de enfrente salió despedido hacia la cuneta. Entonces, a mitad de la noche viste cómo explotaba el tanque de gasolina y las llamas se convertían en enormes lenguas de fuego que amenazaban con incendiar el bosque. Tu auto se había volcado, Tú estabas de cabeza, y entonces sentiste un fuerte dolor en la espalda, zafaste el cinturón de seguridad y lograste salir, arrastrándote fuera de tu auto. No podías creer que un instante antes, estuvieras cantando, feliz porque ibas rumbo a encontrarte con quien te casarías al día siguiente. Ahora, no eras capaz ni siquiera de ponerte de pie y tus piernas estaban sangrando muchísimo...
You were driving your car on the toll road to the City of Puebla, Mexico and when you were near the small town of Cold River, the car in front of you started spinning around, totally out of control. You stepped on the brakes to avoid an accident, then the other car stopped and you saw the driver's face terrified as he realized you were going fast against him; so, your car skidded and crashed against his vehicle that was thrown about twenty feet away, the sound of the cars colliding against one another was awful: Metallic parts ripping off and glass smashing into a thousand pieces; suddenly, in the middle of the night and against the dark pine trees, the car you just hit exploded and its flames, like huge tongues of fire became a threat to the woods around you. Your car was upside down, you unbuckled your seat belt and crawled outside the car. You could not believe that a moment ago you were happily singing on your way to get married the following day. Now, you were not even able to stand up, your back ached severely and your legs were bleeding too much...
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