Sunday, January 19, 2014

La piel de Belinda / Belinda's skin

Belinda es de tersa piel que amanece.
Si la acaricias, se encienden sus poros
Y se turba su mirada esmeralda.
La piel que cubre su pecho es perfecta
Pues cubre las dos cimas coronadas
Por pequeñas cúpulas que te invitan
A palpar suave y mullida textura.
Si tu mano se deslizara sobre
La celestial cintura, su piel te
Transportaría al paraíso de Eva
Y Adán, y si continuaras el viaje,
La piel sobre su sinuosa cadera
Un sol tu corazón encendería.
Belinda’s skin is a terse sunrise
If you caress it, her skin pores lit up
And her emerald look becomes uneasy.
The skin that covers her chest is perfect
As it covers two mountains crowned
By small domes that invite you
To touch her soft and springy texture.
If your hand slided over
Her celestial waist, her skin would
Transport you to Eva and Adam’s
Paradise and if you travelled further
Her skin over her sinuous hip,
A sun would lit up your heart.
Rafael Furlong De la Garza

Naucalpan, Edo. de México. 2014

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